Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Nigeria soldiers face death for mutiny

Twelve found guilty of attacking commander after convoy ambush in Boko Haram-controlled area.

A dozen Nigerian soldiers have been sentenced to death for mutiny
 and the attempted murder of their commanding officer after
their comrades were ambushed by the armed group Boko Haram.
In a decision announced early on Tuesday, a military tribunal
in Abuja found 12 soldiers of the 7th Division guilty and five
 others innocent. All the accused denied the charges.
The executions will be carried out by firing squad.
The revolt happened on May 13 after soldiers were
ordered to drive at night a road frequently attacked
by Boko Haram. The soldiers initially refused, saying
it was a suicide mission. They eventually followed
orders, and were ambushed.
The convoy was driving from Chibok, the northeastern
 town from which more than 270 girls and women
 were abducted from a school a month earlier.
The bodies of the dead were brought to northeastern
 city of Maiduguri, leading to a demand by colleagues
to speak to the 7th Division's commanding officer,
Amadu Mohammed.
They threw stones and shot at him, witnesses said.
The officer took refuge in an armoured vehicle and was unharmed.
Brigadier general Chukwuemeka Okonkwo, the court
 martial president, said the sentences were subject to
confirmation by Nigeria's military authorities but said there
 was no doubt about the gravity of the offence.
The panel considered "its likely effect on the counter-insurgency
 operations in the northeast as well as its implications on
 national security", he told the court.
Nigeria's army has been under pressure to end the bloody
five-year rebellion that has claimed thousands of lives,
 made tens of thousands of others homeless and seen the
armed groups make territorial gains in the northeast in recent weeks.
But front-line troops have frequently complained of a lack of
adequate weapons and equipment to fight the better armed
rebels, while there have also been reports that troops have
 not been paid or received proper food supplies.

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